1.24. Barebox State Framework

Boards often have the need to store variable sets in persistent memory. barebox could handle that with its regular environment. But the constraints for such a variable set are often different from what the regular environment can do:

  • compact binary format to make it suitable for small non-volatile memories

  • atomic save/restore of the whole variable set

  • redundancy

state is a framework to describe, access, store and restore a set of variables and is prepared to exchange/share data between barebox and Linux userspace using some kind of persistent memory.

Already known users of the state information are the Barebox Bootchooser and RAUC.

barebox itself uses a state driver to access the variables in the persistent memory.

Currently there is only one implementation, enabled by CONFIG_STATE_DRV=y. Without driver, the state framework will silently fail and be non-functional.

For the Linux run-time there is a userspace tool to do the same.

To define a state variable set, a devicetree based description is used. Refer to Barebox state for further details.

There are several software components involved, which are described in this section.

1.24.1. Backends (e.g. Supported Memory Types)

Some non-volatile memory is needed for storing a state variable set:

  • disk like devices: SD, (e)MMC, ATA

  • all kinds of NAND and NOR flash memories (mtd)

  • MRAM


  • all kind of SRAMs (backup battery assumed)

For classic MTDs (NOR/NAND/SRAM), a partition is required and understood by the Linux kernel as well to define the location inside the device where to store the state variable set. For non-MTDs (MRAM/EEPROM) a different approach is required to define the location where to store the state variable set.

1.24.2. Backend-Types (e.g. state Storage Format)

The state variable set itself can be stored in different ways. Currently two formats are available, raw and dtb.

Both serialize the state variable set differently.


The raw serializer additionally supports an HMAC algorithm to detect manipulations. Refer to HMAC for further details. The raw state Storage Format

raw means the state variable set is a simple binary data blob only. In order to handle it, the state framework puts a management header in front of the binary data blob with the following content and layout:





4 bytes

‘magic value’


2 bytes

reserved, filled with zero bits


2 bytes

byte count of binary data blob


4 bytes

CRC32 of binary data blob (offset 0x10…)


4 bytes

CRC32 of header (offset 0x00…0x0b)


binary data blob

  • ‘magic value’ is an unsigned value with native endianness, refer to ‘magic’ property about its value.

  • ‘byte count’ is an unsigned value with native endianness.

  • ‘binary data blob CRC32’ is an unsigned value with native endianness.

  • ‘header CRC32’ is an unsigned value with native endianness.


the 32-bit CRC calculation uses the polynomial:


Since the binary data blob has no built-in description of the embedded state variable set, it depends on an external layout definition to encode and decode it correctly. A devicetree based description is used to describe the embedded state variable set. Refer to Variable Subnodes for further details.


It is important to share this layout definition in all ‘worlds’ which want to read or manipulate the state variable set. This includes offsets, sizes and endianesses of the binary data. Refer to Configuring the state variable set on how to setup barebox to ensure this is done automatically for devicetree based operating systems.


When calculating the backend-stridesize take the header overhead into account. The header overhead is always 16 bytes. The dtb state Storage Format


The dtb backend type isn’t well tested. Use the raw backend when in doubt.

The dtb backend type stores the state variable set as a devicetree binary blob. This is exactly the original devicetree description of the state variable set itself, but additionally contains the actual values of the variable set. Unlike the raw state backend the dtb state backend can describe itself.

1.24.3. Backend Storage Types (e.g. Media Storage Layout)

The serialized data (raw or dtb) can be stored to different backend storage types. These types are dedicated to different memory types.

Currently two backend storage type implementations do exist, circular and direct.

The state framework can select the correct backend storage type depending on the backend medium. Media requiring erase operations (NAND, NOR flash) default to the circular backend storage type automatically. In contrast EEPROMs and RAMs are candidates for the direct backend storage type. Direct Storage Backend

This kind of backend storage type is intended to be used with persistent RAMs or EEPROMs. These media are characterized by:

  • memory cells can be simply written at any time (no previous erase required).

  • memory cells can be written as often as required (unlimted or very high endurance).

  • memory cells can be written on a byte-by-byte manner.

Example: MRAM with 64 bytes at device’s offset 0:

0                                                                 0x3f
|                                                                   |

Writing the state variable set always happens at the same offset:

0                                                                 0x3f
|                 copy                      |                       |


The direct storage backend needs 8 bytes of additional space per state variable set for its meta data. Circular Storage Backend

This kind of backend storage type is intended to be used with regular flash memory devices.

Flash memories are characterized by:

  • only erased memory cells can be written with new data.

  • written data cannot be written twice (at least not for modern flash devices).

  • erase can happen on eraseblock sizes only (detectable, physical value).

  • an eraseblock only supports a limited number of write-erase-cycles (as low as a few thousand cycles).

The purpose of the circular backend storage type is to save erase cycles which may wear out the flash’s eraseblocks. This type instead incrementally fills an eraseblock with updated data and only when an eraseblock is fully written, it erases it and starts over writing new data to the same eraseblock again.

NOR type flash memory is additionally characterized by

  • memory cells can be written on a byte-by-byte manner.

Example: NOR type flash memory with 64 kiB eraseblock size

0                                                                0x0ffff
|                                                                    |
|<--------------------------- eraseblock --------------------------->|

Writing the state variable set the very first time:

|   copy     |
|    #1      |
|<- stride ->|
|<---- eraseblock -------

‘copy#1’ will be used.

Changing the state variable set the first time (e.g. writing it the second time):

|   copy     |   copy     |
|    #1      |    #2      |
|<- stride ->|<- stride ->|
|<------------- eraseblock -----------

‘copy#2’ will now be used and ‘copy#1’ will be ignored.

Changing the state variable set the n-th time:

0                                                                0x0ffff
+------------+------------+-------- -------+------------+------------+
|   copy     |   copy     |                |    copy    |   copy     |
|    #1      |    #2      |                |    #n-1    |    #n      |
+------------+------------+-------- -------+------------+------------+
|<- stride ->|<- stride ->|                |<- stride ->|<- stride ->|
|<---------------------------- eraseblock -------------------------->|

‘copy#n’ will now be used and all other copies will be ignored.

The next time the state variable set changes again, the whole block will be erased and the state variable set gets stored at the first position inside the eraseblock again. This reduces the need for a flash memory erase by factors.

NAND type flash memory is additionally characterized by

  • it is organized in pages (size is a detectable, physical value).

  • writes can only happen in multiples of the page size (which much less than the eraseblock size).

  • partially writing a page can be limited in count or be entirely forbidden (in the case of MLC NANDs).

Example: NAND type flash memory with 128 kiB eraseblock size and 2 kiB page size and a 2 kiB write size

0                                                             0x20000
+------+------+------+------+---- ----+------+------+------+------+
| page | page | page | page |         | page | page | page | page |
|  #1  |  #2  |  #3  |  #4  |         | #61  | #62  | #63  | #64  |
+------+------+------+------+---- ----+------+------+------+------+
|<-------------------------- eraseblock ------------------------->|

Writing the state variable set the very first time:

|<--- page #1---->|
| copy  |         |
|  #1   |         |
|<---- eraseblock ---

‘copy#1’ will be used.

Changing the state variable set the first time (e.g. writing it the second time):

|<-- page #1 -->|<-- page #2 -->|
| copy  |       | copy  |       |
|  #1   |       |  #2   |       |
|<--------- eraseblock --------------

‘copy#2’ will now be used and ‘copy#1’ will be ignored.

Changing the state variable set the 64th time:

|<-- page #1 -->|<-- page #2 -->|        |<- page #63 -->|<- page #64 -->|
+-------+-------+-------+-------+--    --+-------+-------+-------+-------+
| copy  |       | copy  |       |        | copy  |       | copy  |       |
|  #1   |       |  #2   |       |        |  #63  |       |  #64  |       |
+-------+-------+-------+-------+--    --+-------+-------+-------+-------+
|<----------------------------- eraseblock ----------------------------->|

‘copy#n’ will now be used and all other copies will be ignored.

The next time the state variable set changes again, the eraseblock will be erased and the state variable set gets stored at the first position inside the eraseblock again. This significantly reduces the need for a block erases.


One copy of the state variable set is limited to the page size of the used backend (e.g. NAND type flash memory)

1.24.4. Redundant state Variable Set Copies

To avoid data loss when changing the state variable set, more than one state variable set copy can be stored into the backend. Whenever the state variable set changes, only one state variable set copy gets changed at a time. In the case of an interruption and/or power loss resulting in an incomplete write to the backend, the system can fall back to a different state variable set copy (previous state variable set). Direct Storage Backend Redundancy

For this kind of backend storage type a value for the stride size must be defined by the developer (refer to backend-stridesize).

It always stores three redundant copies of the backend-type. Keep this in mind when calculating the stride size and defining the backend size (e.g. the size of a partition).

| redundant copy | free | redundant copy | free | redundant copy | free |
|<---- stride size ---->|<---- stride size ---->|<---- stride size ---->|


The direct storage backend needs 8 bytes of additional space per state variable set for its meta data. Keep this in mind when calculating the stridesize. For example, the bootchooser boot state needs 20 bytes for its variables. The raw header adds 16 bytes and the direct storage backend adds a further 8 bytes. The full space for one state variable set (minimum stride size) is thus 20 + 16 + 8 = 44 bytes. The minimum size for the backend partition is then 44 * 3 = 132 bytes. It’s a good idea though to increase stride size beyond the minimum to leave some free space for in-place addition of new variables in future. Circular Storage Backend Redundancy

NOR type flash memory

Redundant copies of the state variable set are stored based on the memory’s eraseblocks and this size is automatically detected at run-time. It needs a stride size as well, because a NOR type flash memory can be written on a byte-by-byte manner. In contrast to the direct storage backend redundancy, the stride size for the circular storage backend redundancy defines the side-by-side location of the state variable set copies.

|C#1|C#2|C#3|C#4|C#5|            |C#1|C#2|C#3|C#4|C#5|            |
|<--------- eraseblock --------->|<--------- eraseblock --------->|<-
|<------- redundant area ------->|<------- redundant area ------->|<-

<X> defines the stride size, C#1, C#2 the state variable set copies.

Since these kinds of MTD devices are partitioned, it’s a good practice to always reserve multiple eraseblocks for the barebox’ state feature. Keep in mind: even NOR type flash memories can be worn out.

NAND type flash memory

Redundant copies of the state variable set are stored based on the memory’s eraseblocks and this size is automatically detected at run-time.

+------+------+--- ---+------+------+------+------+--- ---+------+------+--
| copy | copy |       | copy | copy | copy | copy |       | copy | copy |
|  #1  |  #2  |       | #63  | #64  |  #1  |  #2  |       | #63  | #64  |
+------+------+--- ---+------+------+------+------+--- ---+------+------+--
|<----------- eraseblock ---------->|<----------- eraseblock ---------->|<-
|<-------- redundant area --------->|<-------- redundant area --------->|<-

Since these kinds of MTD devices are partitioned, it’s a good practice to always reserve multiple eraseblocks for the barebox’ state feature. Keep in mind: NAND type flash memories can be worn out, factory bad blocks can exist from the beginning.

1.24.5. Handling of Bad Blocks

NAND type flash memory can have factory bad eraseblocks and more bad eraseblocks can appear over the life time of the memory. They are detected by the MTD layer, marked as bad and never used again.


if NAND type flash memory should be used as a backend, at least three eraseblocks are used to keep three redundant copies of the state variable set. You should add some spare eraseblocks to the backend partition by increasing the partition’s size to a suitable value to handle factory bad eraseblocks and worn-out eraseblocks.

1.24.6. Examples

The following examples intend to show how to setup and interconnect all required components for various non-volatile memories.

All examples use just one state variable of type uint8 named variable to keep them simple. For the raw backend-type it means one state variable set has a size of 17 bytes (16 bytes header plus one byte variables).


The mentioned aliases and the state variable set node entries are members of the devicetree’s root node.


For a more detailed description of the used state variable set properties here, refer to Barebox state. NOR Flash Memories

This type of memory can be written on a single byte/word basis (depending on its bus width), but must be erased prior writing the same byte/word again and erasing must happen on an eraseblock basis. Typical eraseblock sizes are 128 kiB or (much) larger for parallel NOR flashes and 4 kiB or larger for serial NOR flashes.

From the Linux kernel perspective this type of memory is a Memory Technologie Device (aka ‘MTD’) and handled by barebox in the same manner. It needs a partition configuration.

The following devicetree node entry defines some kind of NOR flash memory and a partition at a specific offset to be used as the backend for the state variable set.

norflash@0 {
        backend_state_nor: partition@120000 {

With this ‘backend’ definition it’s possible to define the state variable set content, its backend-type and state variable set layout.

aliases {
        state = &state_nor;

state_nor: nor_state_memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "barebox,state";
        magic = <0x512890a0>;
        backend-type = "raw";
        backend = <&backend_state_nor>;
        backend-storage-type = "circular";
        backend-stridesize = <32>;

        variable@0 {
                reg = <0x0 0x1>;
                type ="uint8";
                default = <0x1>;
}; NAND Flash Memories

This type of memory can be written on a page base (typically 512 bytes, 2048 or (much) larger), but must be erased prior writing the same page again and erasing must happen on an eraseblock base. Typical eraseblock sizes are 64 kiB or (much) larger.

From the Linux kernel perspective this type of memory is a Memory Technologie Device (aka ‘MTD’) and handled by barebox in the same manner. It needs a partition configuration.

The following devicetree node entry defines some kind of NAND flash memory and a partition at a specific offset inside it to be used as the backend for the state variable set.

nandflash@0 {
        backend_state_nand: partition@500000 {

With this ‘backend’ definition it’s possible to define the state variable set content, its backend-type and state variable layout.

aliases {
        state = &state_nand;

state_nand: nand_state_memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "barebox,state";
        magic = <0xab67421f>;
        backend-type = "raw";
        backend = <&backend_state_nand>;
        backend-storage-type = "circular";

        variable@0 {
                reg = <0x0 0x1>;
                type ="uint8";
                default = <0x1>;
}; SD/eMMC and ATA state node definition

These storage types have integrated wear-levelling and can be addressed on the byte level. The raw backend type is suitable for this situation. We will explain the possible variants of referring to a backend below, but an exemplary definition of the state layout and variable set will look as follows:

aliases {
        state = &state_sd;

state_sd: state_memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "barebox,state";
        magic = <0xab67421f>;
        backend-type = "raw";
        backend = <&backend_state_sd>;
        backend-stridesize = <0x40>;

        variable@0 {
                reg = <0x0 0x1>;
                type ="uint8";
                default = <0x1>;
}; Backend definition

SD/eMMC and ATA devices usually have an on-disk partition table (MBR or GPT), which Barebox will parse when a block device is probed. There are multiple options to refer to these partitions as the state backend (i.e. the &backend_state_sd reference in the example above). Referencing the partition by GUID

When using GPT, the backend reference may point directly to a block device’s device tree node. In this case Barebox will search for a GPT partition with Type UUID 4778ed65-bf42-45fa-9c5b-287a1dc4aab1, and if that partition exists, Barebox will use it as the state backend.

Here is an abridged example:

/ {
        soc {
                bus@2100000 {
                        mmc1: mmc@2190000 {
                                // … MMC device definition …

        aliases {
                state = &state_sd;

        state_sd: state {
                backend = <&mmc1>;
                // … rest of definition as per above section

This is the recommended approach for device tree enabled system with state located on SD or eMMC. Referencing the partition by partuuid

For systems where block devices are not probed from device tree (e.g. with storage on ATA or PCI buses), the state partition can be looked up globally by specifying its partuuid. See the documentation for the partuuid device tree binding for more details.

The partuuid is expected to be unique across all block devices. Referencing the partition by offset

As a fallback it is still possible to refer to the state partition by specifying its offset and size, like in the examples for NAND and NOR flash above:

&mmc1 {
        partitions {
                compatible = "fixed-partitions";
                #address-cells = <1>;
                #size-cells = <1>;
                backend_state_sd: partition@100000 {
                        label = "state";
                        reg = <0x100000 0x20000>;


If the medium has an on-disk partition table, the device tree partition must either be identical in start offset and size to the MBR/GPT partition or it must reside in non-partitioned space. If this constraint is not satisfied, barebox will emit an error message and refuse to register the device tree partition. SRAM

This type of memory can be written on a byte base and there is no need for an erase prior writing a new value.

From the Linux kernel perspective this type of memory is a Memory Technologie Device (aka ‘MTD’) and handled by barebox in the same manner. It needs a partition definition.

The following devicetree node entry defines some kind of SRAM memory and a partition at a specific offset inside it to be used as the backend for the state variable set.

sram@0 {
        backend_state_sram: partition@10000 {

With this ‘backend’ definition it’s possible to define the state variable set content, its backend-type and state variable layout.

aliases {
        state = &state_sram;

state_sram: sram_state_memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "barebox,state";
        magic = <0xab67421f>;
        backend-type = "raw";
        backend = <&backend_state_sram>;
        backend-storage-type = "direct";
        backend-stridesize = <32>;

        variable@0 {
                reg = <0x0 0x1>;
                type ="uint8";
                default = <0x1>;

This type of memory can be written on a byte base and must be erased prior writing, but in contrast to the other flash memories, an EEPROM does the erase of the address to be written to by its own, so its transparent to the application.

While from the Linux kernel perspective this type of memory does not support partitions, barebox and the state userland tool will use partition definitions on an EEPROM memory as well, to exactly define the location in a generic manner within the EEPROM.

eeprom@50 {
        partitions {
                compatible = "fixed-partitions";
                #size-cells = <1>;
                #address-cells = <1>;
                backend_state_eeprom: eeprom_state_memory@400 {
                        reg = <0x400 0x100>;
                        label = "state-eeprom";

With this ‘backend’ definition it’s possible to define the state variable set content, its backend-type and state variable layout.

aliases {
        state = &state_eeprom;

state_eeprom: eeprom_memory {
        #address-cells = <1>;
        #size-cells = <1>;
        compatible = "barebox,state";
        magic = <0x344682db>;
        backend-type = "raw";
        backend = <&backend_state_eeprom>;
        backend-storage-type = "direct";
        backend-stridesize = <32>;

        variable@0 {
                reg = <0x0 0x1>;
                type ="uint8";
                default = <0x1>;

1.24.7. Frontend

As frontend a state instance is a regular barebox device which has Device parameters for the state variables. With this the variables can be accessed like normal shell variables. The state command is used to save/restore a state variable set to the backend device.

After initializing the variable can be accessed with ${state.foo} or setenv - set environment variable. state -s stores the state to the backend device.