.. index:: dhcp (command) .. _command_dhcp: dhcp - DHCP client to obtain IP or boot params ============================================== Usage ^^^^^ ``dhcp [-HvcuUro] [device]`` Options ^^^^^^^ -H HOSTNAME hostname to send to the DHCP server -v ID DHCP Vendor ID (code 60) submitted in DHCP requests -c ID DHCP Client ID (code 61) submitted in DHCP requests -u UUID DHCP Client UUID (code 97) submitted in DHCP requests -U CLASS DHCP User class (code 77) submitted in DHCP requests -r RETRY retry limit (default 20) .. generated from: /ptx/work/dude/WORK_B/sha/backup/barebox/barebox-maintainer-utils/barebox/commands/dhcp.c .. command function: do_dhcp